Quality and environmental policy


TIGIL S.p.A. aware:

• that customer satisfaction is an essential asset for the company’s competitiveness on the market;

• that the continuous improvement of its processes contributes to the increase of competitiveness through the reduction of production costs, to an improvement in the quality perceived by the customer, to the reduction of the impacts that its activities have on the environment;

has decided to make these inspiring principles its own and to apply them by adopting an Integrated Quality and Environment Management System, compliant with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standards, to undertake to implement a Policy necessary for the formalization of the objectives and the commitments that have to be achieved.

To this end, it guarantees the availability of appropriate human, instrumental and economic resources necessary to implement this commitment into a concrete strategic objective, transversal and additional to the general purposes of the Organization.
With the intention of disclosing the declared objective to all personnel and Interested Parties, the Company, in the figure of the Management, approves and issues this Policy document with which it undertakes:

• to make available the necessary resources in order to fulfill a management system adequate to the reference standards, is kept active and constantly improved to achieve the satisfaction of customer requirements and a continuous increase in their satisfaction, in order to strengthen their position on the markets;

• to carefully observe the laws and all environmental regulations applicable to their activities and the requirements signed by the company;

• to systematically detect the environmental impacts of its operations, understand the effects and identify the causes;

• to rigorously plan long, medium and short-term environmental objectives, implementing the related programs, continuously monitoring the progress of these programs and implementing, when necessary, the appropriate corrective and preventive actions;

• to generate and manage waste, favoring, whenever possible, recovery and recycling rather than waste disposal;

• to minimize the environmental impacts of technologies, activities and services via planning system procedures aimed at this purpose;

• to use the appropriate control and audit methodologies of its own System;

• to engage and raise awareness to the corporate staff and third parts whose work is strategic at an environmental level about the company’s policy and reference procedures;

• to identify the needs and expectations of the customer in order to fully satisfy them;

• to choose only suppliers who, after careful analysis, fall within our standards and can guarantee reliability and quality in their supplies;

• being able to achieve continuous improvement of business processes;

• keep staff constantly trained and updated.

By respecting the above objectives, we are committed to creating a customer-focused company, increasing market effectiveness and making customer satisfaction the differentiating factor in a highly competitive market.

The specific objectives will be defined annually by the management and all the employees will be informed.

Furthermore MAGIS S.p.A. determined the external and internal factors relevant to its aims and strategic directions and which influence its ability to achieve the expected results for its Quality and Environment Management System.

Cerreto Guidi, 03/05/2021
Data emissione e di revisione: 03/05/2021
Codice documento del Sistema Qualità: 149.00 Rev.01